So what have I been up to.

Well, being that I am in my final year of undergraduate school, I am currently working on my undergraduate architecture thesis. My god. The seniors before me never talked about how much writing and research they had to do. Every day I feel like I have to write and research then I find something that makes me rewrite and find new research. Literally, today, I spent almost 4 hours reading on adaptive reuse when on Monday I was reading on functionalism.  

In addition to my thesis, I am also working on a research project called “The Performative Art of Design” that focuses on how the creative process of other disciplines should be incorporated into architecture rather than us “reinventing” new design ideas and concepts. Actually, my first version of my thesis was about the performance elements incorporated in mass-produced architecture to revitalize architecture into a new era besides mass-production and prefabricated houses.

ALSO, I have to submit details regarding a solo exhibition I am doing in March. This is going to be a busy semester.

KDA is going well also. I have a person on “part-time” helping me out with some of the business and logistics into find projects and getting commissions. However, we won’t really be operating as a firm until I can raise capital through grants. Everything right now, including this website, is very much early stages. If anything this website is more a proof of concept than an actual studio, but I hope to change that soon because I want this studio to flourish and thrive.